26 de maig 2007

Come Back To Camden

Come Back To Camden (You Are The Quarry) by Morrissey There is something I wanted to tell you, it's so funny you'll kill yourself laughing / But then I, I look around, And I remembrer that I am alone, Alone. For evermore

The tile yard all along the railings, Up a discoloured dark brown staircase / Here you'll find, despair and I, Calling to you with what's left of my heart, My heart, For evermore

Drinking tea with the taste of the Thames, Sullenly on a chair on the pavement / Here you'll find, my thoughts and I, And here is the very last plea from my heart / My heart. For evermore, Where taxi drivers never stop talking / Under slate grey Victorian sky, Here you will find, despair and I / And here I am every last inch of me is yours, Yours, For evermore

Your leg came to rest against mine, Then you lounged with knees up and apart / And me and my heart, we knew, We just knew, For evermore

Where taxi drivers never stop talking, Under slate grey Victorian sky / Here you'll find, my heart and I, And still we say come back, Come back to Camden / And I'll be good, I'll be good, I'll be good, I'll be good

Petons!!! Marc.


Anonymous Anònim said...

La primera foto podria ser ben bé l´entrada d´un cementiri abandonat, la segona un dels seus racons, la tercera i quarta semblan tombes amb modernes inscripcions, i la quinta, algú dessolat mirant-s´ho des de fora.Unes fotos força macabres i impactants. Semblan fetes des de les entranyes.En un principi pensava que la lletra de la cançò no lligava amb les fotos però despres he vist que si, que formen un tot.Petons!

dimecres, de maig 30, 2007 12:29:00 p. m.  

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